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Biophilic design as it relates to skylights

December 9, 2020

Biophilic is a word that many people have never heard of. All the same, many people have been exposed repeatedly to biophilic design in modern buildings and homes. Biophilic design is a building style that intentionally creates a healthy interaction between humans and the outside environment. Knowing what biophilic design is and how you can incorporate this design into your home architecture is important. If you’re remodeling your home or commercial environment and are currently seeking ways to make the indoor environment healthier and more attractive, here’s what you need to know about biophilic design. 

What Is Biophilic Design?

There are several principles of biophilic design. These guiding principles help architects, designers, remodelers and artists to create beautiful indoor environments that are integrated with the natural world. 

  1. Biophilic design demonstrates the relationship between the natural world and human society, by inviting nature into human structures. It brings nature to the people, and vice versa.
  2. Biophilic design brings together humans and nature in a sustained way, so that nature becomes an expected and invited part of the indoor environment.
  3. Biophilic design helps people develop an emotional connection to their environment, through regular exposure to its beauty.  

Why Is Biophilic Design Important?

Nature advances the health, fitness and wellbeing of the people. Humans need sunlight to encourage wakefulness during the day and good sleeping habits at night. They also need sunlight to improve their mood, to replenish their vitamin D, boost their immune system and support their emotional health.

By bringing together the indoors and outdoors into one integrated space, biophilic design creates a healthy indoor environment for living and working. Whether you’re designing a house or a commercial building, this type of design can improve quality of life for the people inside, by making the space more pleasurable, more beautiful, and healthier. 

How Does Biophilic Design Relate to Skylights? 

Like see-through walls or ceilings, skylights bring the outside world inside the house. From your skylights, you can see trees and sky, birds and environmental conditions. Throughout the day, your skylights help you gauge factors like wind speed and temperature, even when you’re inside all day. With skylights in your home or building, you’ll enjoy a deeper connection to the outside world.

Not all skylights are created equally. When choosing the materials for your home or building, take into consideration factors that enhance the biophilic design of the overall structure. See below. 

Factors to consider:

  • Size. Larger skylights allow maximum sunlight into the structure. 
  • Placement. Think of the position of the skylights and what you’ll see from them once they’re in place. Will you see tree branches? Cloudy skies? Whatever the scene, it will play a roll in the ambiance of your building or home once it’s been made. 
  • Design. The overall design of the skylight plays a role in what can be seen from inside, and how that skylight impacts the appearance of your home. 

The right skylights can create a harmonious design that brings together your home and the natural environment. Shop around and find the right contractor to ensure that your skylights are an integrated and beneficial part of your home’s structure. 

Improving Your Building or Home’s Biophilic Design? Contact VTECH  Skylights

Quality skylights improve the beauty and functionality of your interior space. To enhance your home’s biophilic design, contact VTECH Skylights, to learn more about how our skylights bring the outside into your home. 

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